Support the project

From Wikimedicine
Revision as of 13:01, 3 October 2023 by Shanan Khairi (talk | contribs)
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Wikimedicine is produced on a non-profit basis and is not currently dependent on any private or public subsidies, so it has no conflicts of interest to declare. It has been built with our own funds and recently with our own bookshop.

However, these funding methods are no longer sufficient to cover the site's hosting and development costs. If you like it, think it's worthwhile to keep it going and improving, to enable us to remain independent and not rely on advertising, you can support it by one of the following means:


You can make a secure donation via paypal

Got another idea ?

If you'd like to support us in any other way, you can use this form to tell us about your ideas. You can also use this form if you have any other questions about the site, or if you'd like to take part in the project by helping to edit the site.