Wikimedicine:General Terms of Use

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Revision as of 12:33, 3 October 2023 by Shanan Khairi (talk | contribs)
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All users of the wikimedicine site agree to accept the following conditions of use.


The texts and media presented on this site are the result of an original reading and interpretation of the literature and their confrontation with personal clinical practices. As such, they are protected by copyright.

Their use in a strictly educational, non-commercial and non-mediatized context is nevertheless authorized, provided that the source and author(s) are clearly identified. Its reproduction and use in any other context, in particular commercial, and in any form whatsoever, is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action under European copyright law. In addition, any reproduction of its content or part thereof on a third-party website, including by framing, or any other media without prior written authorization from its author is also prohibited and may result in legal action.

The media present on the site are either the property of the author of the site, or authorized for distribution on the site by their owners, or deemed to be in the public domain. However, if you feel that any media on this site infringes your rights and should be removed, please contact me.

Example of what is not authorized (our plagiarists):

  • Dr. F.Z. Agharbi who literally reproduced word for word (adding a few grammatical errors) almost our entire article on mediacalcosis for the theoretical part of an article she had published in a scientific journal (PAMJ). No citation marker, no bibliographic reference and no authorization from us. A few others have done the same in ways less blatant than a "100% copy-paste"...
  • The commercial sites passeportsanté, ooreka and santésurlenet, which pumped the content of several of our articles without authorization or citation.
  • The EU-subsidized commercial site symptoma, which reproduced almost all the content of our site (over 100,000 extracts according to Google Console!) using an AI-based aggregator, without authorization. They did, however, have the decency to remove them at our request.




Medical practice is the result of a unique encounter between a patient and a doctor. The sole purpose of this site is to provide general information and reflections of an educational nature to medical students and, more marginally, to other audiences (see the section devoted to the site's objectives). It can in no way be used as a basis for medical practice or as a substitute for medical consultation. Contributors to the site have made the following commitments: Wikimedecine:Charter_of_editors.

The non-medically qualified public undertakes to use this site for personal educational purposes only, and in no way to serve as a basis for inappropriate practices such as self-diagnosis or self-medication. The user is also reminded that general considerations do not apply to each individual case. We will not respond to requests for advice on specific medical cases.

Medical students and doctors in training are reminded that the use of this site is only intended to complement the teaching and training they receive, as well as their own bibliographical research and reflections. The site is not intended as a substitute for their teaching, nor is it intended to present indisputable assertions. As medical research and best practice recommendations are constantly evolving, the information provided should be compared with any advances made since it was put online (the date of the last modification appears at the bottom of each page). In addition, unless explicitly stated otherwise, the information provided does not concern paediatric patients or pregnant women, whose assessment and management are specific.

Finally, I would like to remind doctors looking on the Internet for information on how to manage an acute problem that the best way to deal with any situation beyond their control is, and always will be, to contact a senior doctor or intensivist on call, whatever the circumstances and whatever the time of day. Asking a question is never ridiculous, and can sometimes save a life.

The author of this site and its host can in no way be held responsible for any use of the published content other than that described above.